Helpful Videos

This video will show you how to make a tissue paper flower that can be used for graduation party decorations and favors. Take this video and play with the idea to come up with new uses and decoration applications. If you come up with something new, please share your idea with a comment below! 

High School Graduation-Custom Logos And Invitations
A great high school graduation party begins with a quality and unique invitation for your wanted guests, make sure that the party invitation grabs their attention. This video will show you how to make a unique invitation for each guest using the website This does not require any prior knowledge of photo editing or any real computer skills at all for that matter. And if you don’t have the time to make your own invitations or gifts,visit Fiverr. At there are loads of people with experience in graphic design who can create customized invitations for you for only $5! If you would like a customized gift I would suggest that you Visit Red Envelope! Red Envelope specializes in high quality, personalized gifts for all occasions.


High School Graduation Party Ideas And Favors For 2013

Recent Party Idea Postings

  • Western Party Theme

    Make Your Party A Hit With An Old-Western Themed Graduation Party! A western party theme is a sure way to have your graduation party stand out from the crowd! It will be a fun, exciting, and most importantly, a memorable celebration. After all, you only get one shot at the high school graduation make it count! Western Party Theme Invitations First you're gonna want to get yourself some old-western themed party invitations, to give it an authentic feel and to grab your prospective guest's attention. To guarantee that they will give your party a thought, try sticking a sheriffs badge or maybe some kids western toys like Cowboys or Indians in the envelope for good measure. Another great idea would be to create a wanted poster to use as your party invitation (there are many companies that will create a custom invitation for you). Western Party Theme Decorations The entrance to the party will set the stage and the mood of the party as a whole, so make sure to put emphasis on what the guests first see! Having a few cacti and some life size Cowboys and Indians cutouts should do the trick. A banner hanging from the entrance would also be a good addition,...

    Toga Party

    A toga party is a fun and easy way to throw a themed graduation party, not to mention it can be one of the cheapest ideas. They usually quick to set up because the only necessity is the toga itself, though you can dress up the party a little bit with some Greek or Roman themed decorations. So lets establish the setup: Purchase some fruit or vegetable trays from your local grocer to give it that authentic Greek/Roman feel. An abundance of grapes would be a good thing since they are the fruit most closely associated with toga parties. Plenty of plants(exotic would work best but would also be the most expensive) and foliage of various kinds to give it that "Royal" feel. These can be fake plants if you like, as they may get ruined in the process of the party. You can either require the guests to bring sandals or you could supply them yourself, cheap ones will do just fine. The straw bottoms would probably look the best. Gather plenty of white linens to use as the toga's. Once again, you can provide them or have your guests bring them. This will be quite inexpensive for the guests but could be...

    Graduation Cake Ideas
    Graduation Cake Ideas

    Most people don't put enough thought into their graduation cake ideas before it is time to buy. The graduation cake can make a great centerpiece for the graduation party. The graduation cake helps to establish the color scheme and the theme of the party, it should be given a great deal of thought before a purchase is made. Try to consider the school colors, the graduating persons' preference in cake flavor and of course the theme of the party when choosing your design. You should also remember to consult the guest of honor with your recommendations, for they should be the one to make the final decision on the cake design. Also, don't limit your thinking to only traditional cakes. Cookie cakes and cupcakes can be a great addition to the party as well. Cupcakes help to keep the younger children happy during the party, they are also easy to make and can be decorated individually (which of course gives you many more options). The best thing about the cake is that you have complete control over the design; even if you aren't artistic, you can have someone else design and decorate the graduation cake for a reasonable price. Most local...

    Highschool Graduation Parties

    A highschool graduation party is a significant event in a young adults life, it sybolically represents the ending of one era and the begining of a new. There is much planning and preaparation that goes into a successful graduation party, though it will be time well spent as the graduate will likely remember this event for the rest of their lives. A successful highschool graduation party idea begins with the guest list, the graduate should be consulted on who they would prefer to be in attendence. It may be more cost and time effective for multiple graduates to host the party together, plus the turn-out is more likely to be successful. With the social pressures of being popular and hosting a great party that surrounds highschool life, no graduate would want their party to be "out-done" by that of another. The next step to consider is the when. There will most likely be multiple graduation parties taking place at or near the same time as the one you are planning, so you will want to take this into consideration to attain the greatest turn-out as possible. Again you may want to consider hosting multiple graduates' parties together to eliminate the chances of...